Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Proposition - High Review

Well. My wife and I went to get a movie on Sunday to watch because there's nothing on TV worth watching during the summer. Until our favorite summer shows start premiering later this month. But I'm straying into something rather unrelated. We picked up the movie, got home, and sparked up and then proceeded to get nice and baked.

3 hours later, we remembered the movie we picked up and we popped it into our DVD player. "The Proposition" had gotten some pretty great reviews and from the looks of it, it's a very well crafted western which benefits from a change of location. But . . . the marijuana got in the way of me being able to keep up with the movie, as I kept falling asleep and losing track of the narrative plot.

What I can remember is a lot of beautiful vistas, sunsets, some very grimy looking Australian cowboys, and an aborigine head exploding. Yeah, that was pretty fucking tight right there. I will have to revisit the movie once my system is devoid of cannabis so I can enjoy the movie without missing parts due to slumber.

This particular day that we watched the movie was a bit of a new experience for me though. Usually, when I smoke the cheeba, it's just for a couple of hours and then I'm off to sleepy-land. This time around, we started smoking at around 3 pm and then continued throughout the day, re-baking and maintaining our high for hours. Makes for "dope times" *chuckle*, but it makes your attention span really short. I don't recommend watching movies when in this state. But, if you have some of those Adult Swim shows hanging around your DVR machine, those are the right length at 15 minutes a pop. Maybe that's why they do that . . . hmm . . . it all makes sense now.


Anonymous said...

It's amazing how ATHF makes so much sense when you're bombed

Pseudonyms Are Appropriate said...

Let the green do the thinking when ATHF is on. Just try not to eat Meatwad when you're watching that show.